Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I had the privilege of attending a workshop this week with some staff within Baptistcare who were reflecting on the spirit and practice of leadership. I shared with them this legend about a monastery in France well-known throughout Europe because of the extraordinary leadership of a man known only as Brother Leo. Several monks began a pilgrimage to visit Brother Leo to learn from him. Almost immediately the monks began to bicker as to who should do various chores.

"On the third day they met another monk who was also going to the monastery and he joined their party. This monk never complained or shirked a duty, and whenever the others would fight over a chore, he would gracefully volunteer and simply do it himself. By the last day the other monks were following his example, and they worked together smoothly.

"When they reached the monastery and asked to see Brother Leo, the man who greeted them laughed. 'But our brother is among you!' And he pointed to the fellow who had joined them late in the trip." (Michael Josephson


  1. I just wanted to make a comment because nobody else has.

  2. I think that's a very humbling example of how we as individuals can choose to respond to life. It's exactly what Christ calls us to do and in some way exposes the impact our actions can have by developing that servants heart. It is through becoming the least that we become great...I don't mean that in a conceited way but rather the way Jesus explained it to his squabbling disciples.
