Monday, April 2, 2012

The Humble King

Each day this week I plan to give a brief reflection on the events leading up to Easter. Perhaps you can put these up on your staff noticeboards or forward them to your networks as a reminder of the importance of this special time.

Yesterday was Palm Sunday, the day when we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem at the beginning of what has become known as Holy Week. The people who gathered on the outskirts of Jerusalem were looking forward to someone coming who would get rid of the Romans and provide freedom, democracy and … well, they wanted a better life.

But instead of Jesus coming with a marching band and a red carpet, Jesus borrowed a donkey and its colt that were tied up outside a little pub and he rode this donkey, probably rather awkwardly, into Jerusalem.

While the crowds waved palm leaves and threw them down on the road in front of the donkey (that’s where the term, Palm Sunday comes from), I’m sure they were still a bit mystified how awkward and un-king-like their Messiah looked riding a donkey.

Yet it was this sense of humility that had marked Jesus’ life, was evident now at the time of his entry into Jerusalem, and would continue to be a feature of his death.

Given a similar situation with crowds of people standing by ready to offer acclamation I wonder whether I would choose the donkey or try to find a more fitting means of transport? It’s worth pondering.

1 comment:

  1. We all need a lesson in humility from time to time thats for sure!
