Monday, September 20, 2010


Baptistcare’s mission statement says: Reaching out with the love of Jesus we work with individuals, families and communities to achieve their spiritual, emotional and physical wellbeing.

Some more thoughts about emotional well being:

I can still clearly remember a time when I was having difficulties in relation to my work environment. As time went on I found myself getting frustrated and angry about a number of things, including the attitude of my boss and fellow workers. After some time, I had a conversation with myself about the situation and came to a decision that if I continued in the way I was going the situation would become unmanageable and I would probably end up resigning in disgust.

As I discussed the situation with myself, we (that’s myself and me) agreed that I needed to accept that there would always be situations that I couldn’t control and people who would have behaviours and attitudes that I couldn’t control. I needed to accept the situation and set about making the best of the situation and change what I could for the better.

That decision represented a significant watershed for me as I took a fresh approach to my work and the environment in which I worked.

I don’t think I processed this thought at the time but American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr had the same thought in the early 20th century when he wrote his Serenity Prayer:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Smell the Roses

Baptistcare’s mission statement says: Reaching out with the love of Jesus we work with individuals, families and communities to achieve their spiritual, emotional and physical wellbeing.

My wife and I took an hour on Sunday afternoon to visit the Carmel Rose Farm where the expansive gardens, ornamental lake and coffee shop provide a great opportunity to clear the mind and appreciate the Perth hills.
I have found that taking a break like this on a regular basis is important to maintaining emotional wellbeing.
That’s OK on the weekend, you may be saying, but how do we achieve emotional wellbeing in the stressful work-day world of aged and community services and then, if we can achieve, it how do we support others to also achieve emotional wellbeing?
Keeping mentally healthy is the focus of a very successful programme called Act Belong Commit. Check out their website for some great ideas.
In my last blog I talked about being spiritually healthy, and for me that is the first step in becoming mentally healthy. When my work is not just a means to survive, but an opportunity to use my gifts and abilities to serve my Creator I find I am in a much better place to serve other people.
... and don’t forget to smell the roses.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Make a comment

I would love to have people interact with my jottings as a way of encouraging ongoing discussion. To make a comment follow these steps:
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Monday, September 6, 2010

Spiritual Wellbeing

Baptistcare’s mission statement says: Reaching out with the love of Jesus we work with individuals, families and communities to achieve their spiritual, emotional and physical wellbeing. Having looked at what working individuals, families and communities may involve, we move on today to discuss how we can achieve spiritual wellbeing.

Spiritual wellbeing probably means completely different things to different people. For me spiritual wellbeing means living at peace with God, at peace with my neighbour and at peace with myself. I think Jesus summed that up when he was asked by a teacher of the law which was the greatest commandment. His reply was: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'”

One of the tools that I use to nurture spiritual wellbeing is a website produced by the Irish Jesuits. What’s a nice boy from an Irish Protestant background doing reading something from the Irish Jesuits?, you may ask. I make use of the Bible, prayer, meditation and the support of other people to help in my spiritual growth, but this website, is a simple and quick way of pausing on a daily basis to nurture my spirit. I encourage you to take the time to find ways to do likewise.