Monday, June 25, 2012

Is that how it is done?

From time to time you will hear people begrudgingly accept the status quo with a statement like: "Oh well, that's the way it's done around here."

How often are we prepared to say, "It doesn't have to happen like that around here any more"?

People will often go along with the status quo because they don't want to rock the boat, or don't want to be the ones who get into trouble for changing things that seem to be well accepted and, perhaps, expected.

But it is important to take note of those things that aren't right and rather than whinge about them, to creatively and proactively work with others to find a way to bring about positive change.

Such action requires courage, because there will always be some people who are very comfortable with the status quo, and may have even been responsible for the way things have developed into their current state.

In these situations courage needs to be accompanied by justice which is effectively, doing the right thing. That means doing the right thing in bringing about change, but also doing the right thing in relation to the people who may be affected by the change.

Baptistcare's recognition awards are looking for people in Baptistcare who are putting our value, courage and justice in our actions, to work. We want to encourage you to notice Baptistcare's values in the people you work with and nominate them for an award.

Nomination forms can be downloaded here.

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